Northwest Drilling
One step ahead

We strive to achieve the necessary capacity to adapt to the needs of our customers.
We have a highly qualified and experienced staff, as well as a first-class drill fleet and maintenance service in the drill and blasting sector.

Every blast tells a story

Historical development


The origins date back to April 1981, when Luis García Blanco founded the company LUIS GARCIA BLANCO, PERFORACIONES Y VOLADURAS whose activities were focused in mining


Luis García Blanco decided to set up a joint-stock company with other partners on December 29, 1982, registering the new company under the name of PERFORACIONES NOROESTE S. A., registered in the City Oviedo Commercial Registry.


From 1987 is when the participation of the company in the civil work acquires greater volume within the set of its activities, carrying out, from then on, works in the open pit mining sector and in the field of civil works.


This year, was a generational change in the company's shareholding, with part of the founding partners' share capital passed to new partners. The new partners bring greater technical and management capacity to the company.


This year marks the beginning of the internationalization of the company with works and projects worldwide, in locations such as Mauritania, Kenya, Portugal...

At present

At present, the fundamental pillars on which the strategic policy is based are the creation of value, customer satisfaction, commitment to continuous improvement, respect for the environment, innovation, improvement of health and safety working conditions and the development of human potential.

Foto antigua de una explosión Foto antigua de la empresa Foto antigua de una máquina


We draft and process blasting and civil explosives projects.



Analysis and control to use explosives with Ckblast software and document management.


Innovation & Development

R+D+i department with project development and funding



We generate reports on each blast and manage an internal quality system.

Company policies

Quality and continuous improvement in all the activities carried out by PERFORACIONES NOROESTE represent a strategic pillar to satisfy the real and future needs of our customers, so that we can remain competitive.

To ensure customer satisfaction, always based on the fulfilment of their requirements and an extra effort in the execution of our works.

To achieve competitiveness in the sector based on the trust and loyalty of our customers and the fulfilment of their requirements.

Comply with applicable legal requirements as well as with those requirements to which the organisation subscribes voluntarily, continuously assessing compliance.

To commit ourselves to continuously improve the quality of our service as well as our attitude towards the environmental impacts generated by our own activity, as well as those of our suppliers, by establishing objectives and targets to achieve this.

Another of PERFORACIONES NOROESTE's strategic pillars is to guarantee the conservation of the environment in a sustainable manner, through the rational use of resources and the reduction of waste, emissions and discharges.

To optimise the consumption of the resources at its disposal, in order to avoid wasting them and reduce the generation of waste derived from their use.

Commitment to protect the environment and our surroundings, through actions and measures aimed at preventing any type of pollution that may arise from operations due to our activity.

Prioritise communication, information and training so that responsibility for quality and the environment is shared by all members of the organisation.

PERFORACIONES NOROESTE is clearly committed to the prevention of occupational hazards and has therefore implemented an Occupational Health and Safety System in its activities, aimed at improving working conditions in order to eliminate accidents or situations of maximum potential risk.

Do you have any more doubts?

And you thought all drilling companies were the same?
Contact with us


Valverde del Camino (Huelva)
Parque Industrial y Tecnológico, Nave E08, 21600 Valverde del Camino (Huelva)
959 14 34 86


A Coruña (Galicia)
C/Obradoiro, nº44
15190 A Coruña
981 133 051


Oviedo (Asturias)
Plaza Longoria Carbajal, nº 3 1º oficina 3, 33002 Oviedo
985 20 42 09